Entries by wp_7792263

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CLIMATE 04 – Huffington Post: A Venezia l’arte incontra la scienza e fa riflettere la società sui cambiamenti climatici

L’artista romano Andreco inaugura la sua opera “CLIMATE 04 Sea Level Rise”, un monito a una città che potrebbe essere sommersa dalle acque di Selene Gagliardi Non è necessario aprire una tavola rotonda con ospiti internazionali per portare la società civile a interrogarsi sui cambiamenti climatici e l’innalzamento del livello dell’acqua; a volte anche un […]

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CLIMATE 04 – Brooklyn Streetart: Andreco Charts Sea Level Rise Predictions Along Venice Canal

“Man is nature becoming conscious of itself ”    ~Elisée Reclus Focusing his public art and Street Art work on raising our consciousness about the Earth and drawing the connections between us and our environment has been Andreco’s focus for most of this century. Like the 15,000 strong Union of Concerned Scientists who just released a […]

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CLIMATE 04 – Designboom: Andreco catalyes the climate change discussion through public artwork in Venice

andreco catalyzes the climate change discussion through public artwork in venice Photo: Like Agency Andreco completes the fourth part in his series titled ‘climate.’ this installation, on the exterior wall of the fondamenta santa lucia facing piazzale Roma, the main entrance and pedestrian thoroughfare into the historic city of Venice. visible from the calatrava bridge that […]

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CLIMATE 04 – Indexhibit: Climate change art illustrates sea level rise in Venice during COP 23

Artist Andreco has unveiled his latest art installation, Climate 04-Sea Level Rise in Venice, to raise awareness of the climate change conference COP 23 currently underway in Bonn, Germany. Introduced as a project promoting dialogue between the arts and sciences, the climate change-inspired installation calls attention to the effects of potential sea level rise in […]


CLIMATE 04 – Greenews: Arte e cambiamenti climatici: a Venezia una conferenza e opere d’ispirazione scientifica

  Il 27 ottobre a Venezia inaugurerà Climate 04 – Sea Level Rise, progetto d’arte pubblica sulle conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici e l’innalzamento del livello del mare in Laguna, che trae ispirazione dai recenti studi sull’innalzamento del livello medio del mare, le onde estreme, e il ruolo delle piante costiere e di barena per l’ecosistema lagunare. L’iniziativa […]


Climate-Kic: Venice Climathon 2017

Climate-kic : open call for Climathon in seven cities . In Venice the topic will be Arts and Science and Andreco will be part of the panel and the jury. more info soon: For join the open call follow the link: Arts and Science for (Climate) Change: How can art and science tackle sea level […]


CLIMATE 04 – Vice / MOTHERBOARD: Le linee di questo murales segnano i futuri livelli dell’acqua a Venezia

MOTHERBOARD – Vice Le linee di questo murales segnano i futuri livelli dell’acqua a Venezia E chi passa lungo il Canal Grande inizia a farsi qualche domanda. […] Quanto sia importante salvare Venezia è chiaro. Il fatto è che nel relazionarsi al problema c’è la solita immobilità di fondo a cui va chiaramente data una […]

The Indipendent: Majority of Americans now believe climate change makes hurricanes more intense, poll finds

Majority of Americans now believe climate change makes hurricanes more intense, poll finds “…the storm surge and especially the extreme rainfall – very likely worsened due to human-caused global warming,” Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research said in a statement after the hurricane. From The Independent #toccareconmano #vederepercredere  


Fiji holds the presidency of the global COP 23 negotiations that will take place November 6-17 in Bonn, Germany

This year, Fiji holds the presidency of the global COP 23 negotiations that will take place November 6-17 in Bonn, Germany. From here in Europe all the way to the Pacific, fossil fuels are causing serious impacts on many people’s lives. On the islands of Fiji, entire villages are already relocating due to the effects […]