Open Call per la “Parata Tiberina degli Inizi” diretta dall’artista Andreco per la Festa di Roma
Artista visivo e performativo Andreco è impegnato da molti anni un una ricerca sul rapporto tra spazio urbano e paesaggio naturale, tra…

CLIMATE 05 – RAI NEWS: India, il murale realizzato con lo smog per dire “NO” all’inquinamento e ai Cambiamenti Climatici
Il murale è stato realizzato a Lodhi Art District, Lodhi Colony e rappresenta una visualizzazione artistica dei dati sull’inquinamento atmosferico e delle Nature Based Solutions, soluzioni che si basano sui processi della natura per…

AQUAE – Performances, Researches and Walks in Rome – with Andreco , Stalker and Bellantoni
Climate Art Project in collaborazione con Wunderbar Cultural Projects presenta
per una ricerca sulla città di Roma e le sue acque,
da Villa Sciarra alla Valle dell’Aniene
Performance e interventi artistici di:

Andreco on Daily Planet – Climate Kic: Italian scientist combines climate research with art
Form Daily Planet - Climate Kic
Italian scientist combines climate research with art
5 Min Read
Wall Painting indicating the forecast sea level rise in Venice
Will Yeates @WYeates
Climate scientists, ecologists and activists…

PLANTAE – Un’indagine tra Arte, Scienza ed Ecologia – Una Mostra di Andreco – Una Conferenza – Due Camminate nella Riserva Naturale dell’Aniene – Roma

CLIMATE 04 – Lonely Planet: Artist uses façade of dockside building in Venice to address climate change
An artist has painted a unique mural on the face of a Venetian building that aims to encourage discussion related to climate change and the risks posed to the city by rising sea levels.
Created by visual artist Andreco, Climate 04-Sea…

CLIMATE 04 – Huffington Post: A Venezia l’arte incontra la scienza e fa riflettere la società sui cambiamenti climatici
L'artista romano Andreco inaugura la sua opera "CLIMATE 04 Sea Level Rise", un monito a una città che potrebbe essere sommersa dalle acque
di Selene Gagliardi
Non è necessario aprire una tavola rotonda con ospiti internazionali per portare…

CLIMATE 04 – Brooklyn Streetart: Andreco Charts Sea Level Rise Predictions Along Venice Canal
“Man is nature becoming conscious of itself ” ~Elisée Reclus
Focusing his public art and Street Art work on raising our consciousness about the Earth and drawing the connections between us and our environment has been…

CLIMATE 04 – Designboom: Andreco catalyes the climate change discussion through public artwork in Venice
Photo: Like Agency
Andreco completes the fourth part in his series titled ‘climate.’ this installation, on the exterior wall of the fondamenta santa…

CLIMATE 04 – Indexhibit: Climate change art illustrates sea level rise in Venice during COP 23
Artist Andreco has unveiled his latest art installation, Climate 04-Sea Level Rise in Venice, to raise awareness of the climate change conference COP 23 currently underway in Bonn, Germany. Introduced as a project promoting dialogue between…